The Personal Peace ProcessSM

The six-step Personal Peace Process @ Nyleve's Haven is intended to promote personal peace, encourage commitment to servant-leadership and lead to self-sufficiency. The practical application of the six states of being can be used in every aspect of life. The Empowerment Experiences at Nyleve's Haven offer an opportunity to transform our experience of ourselves, others, and life on the planet. Through conversations, tools, and experiences we call forth and practice the awareness of how we are being in life and evolve into the states of being that we choose.

The Personal Peace Process:

Be Still - Go within, Listen, and then act on the word heard;

Be Conscious - of your thoughts, words, and behaviors and the degree to which they create peace in your life;

Be Honest - with yourself, as to whether these thoughts, words, and behaviors serve you and create peace in your life;

Be Kind - to yourself, as you wish to be to others. Monitor your words and judgments about You to You, and be compassionate;

Be Responsible - for changing that which does not serve you and enhancing that which does and creates peace in your life;

Be Willing to Serve - others in your community.

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